Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tiger Ad Stops Traffic, Literally

As a consumer, how often do you stop, look and become absorbed by an outdoor ad? Mindshare Singapore recently partnered Saatchi to produce an outdoor campaign that motivated passers-by to engage with the brand, by creating an interactive gaming experience to convey Tiger’s new “Enjoy Winning” theme.

Singapore’s busiest walkway was transformed into a gaming domain where commuters could take one another on or challenge themselves in games such as Spot-the-Difference, Join-the-Dots and Sudoku.

The idea beat 22 other impressive world entries to win the JCDecaux’s Innovate International Campaign.

The campaign also won ‘Best Use Of Outdoor’ at the 2008 Singapore Media Awards and a special award at the 2008 Singapore Outdoor Advertising Awards.

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