Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mindshare Singapore announces 2nd Co-Creation platform : ‘Facebook Apps for Hire’

Following the recently launched “Mobile Apps for Hire’ platform, Mindshare’s Invention unit announces yet another co-creation platform with major Facebook application developers, named the “Facebook Apps For Hire’

As more brands and businesses begin to appreciate that Facebook can be one of today’s most impactful marketing tool for them, applications will become more relevant to continually engage their fans, thus creating stickiness for the brands.

‘Facebook is a part of millions of people's lives all around the world providing unparalleled distribution potential for branded applications to deliver utilities to consumers, and the opportunity to reinforce engagements that are highly relevant to people’s lives,’ says Jimmy Lim, Head of Invention for Mindshare Singapore

According to Facebook latest figures, more than 500,000 applications now reside on Facebook globally, which are used by more than 70% of the users. More than 250 applications have more than 1 million active users. So a branded application that is interesting, utilitarian or fun, enables advertisers to promote a brand and attract fans via viral marketing.

The ‘Facebook Apps For Hire’ platform enables brands to lease an application’s programming code from Mindshare’s group of partner developers, which they can localize for individual countries and purposes, without the hassle of building an application from groud zero, as such process would normally take 6 months or more depending on the complexity required.

‘Brands are facing constant pressure on costs and razor thin timeline to get ahead of competition. With this foresight and innovation, we decided to set up such a platform, as it benefits all stakeholders in the social economy ; developers, brands and even consumers,’ Lim sums up.

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