Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mindshare Singapore Hubs With Starhub

Mindshare Singapore continues its new year bull run as one of Singapore's largest advertisers, the telecommunications giant Starhub, has appointed Mindshare as its new media agency, switching over from Zenith.

"After careful consideration, we have appointed Mindshare as StarHub's media planning agency from March 2009. The change in agency was a mutual decision reached between StarHub and Zenith Media, the incumbent agency. We thank Zenith Media for its years of support and help in developing StarHub's early media engagement strategies, and we wish them well in their future efforts," said Iris Wee, head of marketing for Starhub.

“2008 was a year of undergoing the necessary changes to strengthen our position. 2009 will see the creation of the first marketing and media solutions network. Our vision is to become our clients’ lead strategic partner. We thank Starhub for giving us the opportunity to work on their business,” said Sony Wong, managing director of Mindshare Singapore.

The win follows a year in which Mindshare underwent major changes including a global business revamp, new brand identity, digital integration and local leadership changes as it positions itself as a marketing & media investment management company.

'The scrutiny of brands and the control of consumers over their media consumption – is more intense than ever before, given the emergence of new media. Starhub needs a lead business partner that can drive their brand and business forward in today's fragmented media environment, and we are confident our full marketing and media services will provide the springboard to forge ahead, " Jimmy Lim, executive director for Mindshare Singapore, said.

“Our range of services such as digital, consumer insights, business analytics, activation and content development will help our clients optimize the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and, in turn, to take decisions that will build their brand, business and increase their profitability,” added Sony.

Mindshare Zooms In On Olympus

Mindshare kicks off 2009 with the AOR appointment by Olympus.

"The win is a testament to our year-long business revamp exercise in 2008 which are already bearing fruits so early in 2009. We are extremely excited to have the opportunity to work on a digital imaging brand like Olympus. ," Sony Wong, MD for Mindshare Singapore, said. "

'With the current economic situation, we expect 2009 to be a tough year. So we were looking for an agency that could do more than just plan and buy media. Mindshare's offering, integrating consumer insight, business analytics, and creative ideas, executed efficiently, fit the bill ," said Antonio Lei, marketing director for Olympus Imaging Singapore.

"With the advent of new media, tech brands like Olympus will have to harness the massive influence consumers now have over brand preferences.' said Jimmy Lim, executive director for Mindshare, who will be managing the Olympus business.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mindshare scores again at SOAA 2008

Mindshare’s OOH works with Saatchi & Saatchi on APB’s (Asia Pacific Breweries) Tiger and Guinness outdoor campaigns delivered wins at the Singapore Outdoor Advertising Awards 2008.

Tiger’s ‘Games’ campaign installed at the Orchard underpass received the Special Award for ‘Best Use Of Media’.

Guinness ‘9 Ball Tour 2008’ campaign scored a bronze for the MRT station category and the ‘Marketing Director’s Choice’ award.

‘We have a client who strongly believes in pushing the boundaries of creativity and the creative usage of OOH channels. These awards are a testament of our solid partnership with Saatchi and APB,’ said Jimmy Lim, Mindshare Singapore’s executive director.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Brian Stoller on Mobile Marketing

In the digital age, the media can make or break brands. The scrutiny of brands by the media – and the control of consumers over their media consumption – is more intense than ever before. Skilful and creative management of media is the critical factor for a brand to flourish.

Brands are no longer solely driven by ideas or ideals, but by a complex series of exchanges between consumer, brand and corporation. Good marketing and good business are based on an equal exchange between brand and consumer. With its always-on, always present characteristics, mobile provides the most pervasive technology to create response mechanisms and entry points for constructing an exchange
between consumer and brand.

Agencies that have extended themselves beyond simple ad placement and into content invention and exchange management will emerge as the winners within mobile marketing, as they will bring stronger integration of technologies into large-scale marketing initiatives.
In the last decade, we have witnessed a significant increase in mobile phone penetration across many countries in Asia; China alone has over 500 million users, and is still growing at rapid rates. As mobile technologies continue their rapid pace of development, and audiences migrate to “the third screen” as a primary source of information and entertainment, mobile marketing will emerge as the most important channel for generating a consumer exchange.
No agency has had as exhaustive experience as Mindshare in mobile marketing. The mobile area is our expertise, having won more mobile awards for major campaigns around the globe including this year’s Venice Festival of Media for China’s Nike Zoom campaign.
Our staff come from a wide range of mobile specialists and is active in speaking at mobile conferences and within the MMA (Mobile Marketing Association). By partnering closely with several of the region’s leading major mobile vendors and Telco operators across Asia, Mindshare is able to secure unique, never-been-done before opportunities for clients seeking to take advantage of this exciting new media.
Mindshare’s recent restructure reflects our strengthening commitment to digital and to creating the first real competitive marketing and media solutions network.

Brian Stoller
Partner - Invention, Asia Pacific

Mindshare rings in the changes in mobile across Asia Pacific

Mindshare has teamed with Marketing magazine in Asia to create the definitive guide to mobile marketing. The supplement titled 'Marketing 101. Mobile Marketing', defines major innovations in the sector and helps clients to best use mobile to reach their target audience.
As Marketing magazine's second series of Marketing 101, it tapped on the expertise of Mindshare for guidance on how to navigate this emerging field. Mindshare has been a long time supporter of inviting interaction with the digital advertising space.

For a PDF copy of the full supplement, kindly email the following persons :
