Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mindshare joins MDA’s efforts to foster more Content 360TV programme development

Mindshare was one of the guest speaking organisations at the Content 360TV Seminar organised by the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA), held at Fusionopolis recently.

The Seminar highlighted the growth of video content development beyond the usual television screen, and the integration of various social media tools in such content, to create a 360TV experience for audiences.

MDA aims to catalyse the development of new media properties, or episodic online video programmes distributed exclusively online in partnership with sponsors and online distribution partners. Such media properties or formats should harness the interactive and versatile capabilities of new media platforms, including but not limited to handheld devices, internet channels and social media platforms, to generate international viewership.

Speaking at the Content 360TV Seminar, Jimmy Lim, Executive Director and Head of Invention for Mindshare Singapore, shared Mindshare's multiplatform content development strategies, from conceptualisation, to development, to marketing - essentially, the creative and commercial insights on development of video content properties beyond the traditional media format.

He shared real case examples from the regional Mindshare Invention network, that not only demonstrated the 360 immersive viewer experience, but also have the viable, if not sustainable, business model(s) ranging from advertising to direct participation.

'We are proud to be the pioneer in this next frontier advocacy with the MDA, as we hope it will help both aspiring and professional content producers in Singapore become future forces in popular cultures. In time, we will also be assisting some of these producers to build sustainable business models around their content, through our business planning consultancy unit,' said Jimmy Lim.

Yeo Chun Cheng, MDA’s Chief Information Officer and Director of Broadcast and Music, said: “MDA is pleased that Mindshare is able to give their perspective on Content 360TV and share their expertise with our media content producers. We hope to see more media content which harnesses the merits of new media and delivery platforms to engage viewers and will continue to encourage and facilitate collaborations between Singapore and international media partners to develop next-generation multiplatform content that is innovative and compelling.”

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