Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tiger beer takes digital engagement route

The latest Tiger beer TVCs, showcasing its international appeal, takes on a new milestone. Working with Mindshare Singapore, Tiger embarked on a digital engagement platform to extend the campaign beyond reach and frequency.

Beyond just banner advertising, the campaign sought to ensure the target audience understand the TVCS' message and in doing so, they get rewarded with a chance to win a trip to London for 4 people. The digital campaign signifies a shift from sole reliance on terrestrial TV to deliver the reach and frequency.

'With consumers shifting towards digital, they are getting harder to reach through the traditional platforms. The web is a one-to-many and two-way conductor, as well as the facilitator of conversations between consumers. The Tiger team recognised this and thus saw the value in the integrated approach of SPH's digital platform,' said Jimmy Lim, executive director of Mindshare Singapore.

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