Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mindshare Singapore match-make brands with branded content through M-Content platform

Mindshare recently launched its latest version of M-Content at an event “The Future of TV’, in collaboration with cable TV operator, Starhub Cable, and the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA).

M-Content is a four-party eco-system, consisting of channel partners, content producers, MDA and Mindshare, that will promote the cultivation of the best and latest content ideas from a talent pool of the best creative minds in the business. These made-for-web TV concepts are branded content marketing platforms for Mindshare’s clients to participate and commercialize, on a first-right-of-refusal basis.

‘Today, we are shaping The Future of TV for our clients to get a head-start, where they can leverage on the best content ideas available from top content producers around the region, to gain competitive advantages for their brands,’ said Peter Diermayr, Managing Director of Mindshare Singapore, during the event. During his opening address, he added that while most marketers are still ring-fencing the media world into offline and online worlds, the time will come soon when the two worlds will co-exist in one converged environment.

The M-Content platform will be spearheaded by Mindshare’s Head of Invention, Jimmy Lim, with consulting support from GroupM ESP unit. ‘With internet video consumption growing rapidly, and offering a 360-degree immersive viewer experience, clients will find M-Content a viable, if not sustainable, advertising and marketing model, ranging from search viewing and targeted advertising to direct participation and more immersive audience engagement, said Lim, in his presentation at the event.

In the coming months M-Content will launch some of today’s best video content ideas, with themes ranging from emotionally charged documentaries, youthful fun-filled game shows, reality dating shows, musical travelogues, epic adventures, sabbatical journeys, social entrepreneurship ventures, relationships, and even a horror genre, and every concept has been crafted with consumer engagement in mind.